About MVP

Technology is moving away from its historical role in businesses as a mere assistant, to being critical to daily operations. Data and other digital resources are now considered key assets to any business and warrant certain protections. The rapid evolution of the threat landscape is putting greater pressure on businesses to keep up with this cadence. A pace that is only going to increase as we move further into the information age and a highly digitized world.

Whilst protecting your assets is always an imperative, hardware and software can relatively easily recovered after a cyber-attack. However, the damage to your reputation or revenue streams may be almost impossible to come back from. Your clients, customers or partners may leave in droves if sensitive data leaks or malicious attacks come to light.

Minimum Viable Protection (MVP) does exactly what the name suggests. It is a complete cyber assessment methodology and seeks to lift mid-sized companies to achieve a minimum defensible cyber posture, unique to their organisation's needs and requirements. Using our tried-and-tested MVP framework, we will ensure your reputation stays intact, your revenue streams are secure, and you don’t fall foul of the New Zealand Privacy regulators.
The use of the global standards and frameworks determined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Internal Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) form the backbone of this methodology, providing assurance of its validity and viability.